Shauna Signorini

When her child was in crisis, Shauna tried books, therapists and nothing was working. She happened into a two day training with Dr. Bruce Perry, the famed child psychiatrist/neurobiologist. He shared about the impact of early childhood trauma. This new way of thinking about challenging behavior and difficulties helped Shauna. She studied with Dr. Perry through the State of Oregon for 6 months and applied what she learned. Changing the brain through sensory and patterned activities improved everyone’s mental health.

Shauna teaches the same ideas Oregon and the nation. She sheds light on how past trauma can affect current behavior. Her lived experience provides unique insight. Teaching others to recognize trauma responses and create safe environments is Shauna’s passion. Messages of hope, wellness, and resilience resonate with healthcare professionals, educators, Developmental Disability staff, self-advocates and parents alike.

Melissa Ballard-Batiste

Melissa Ballard -Batiste, LCSW, CIMHP (she/her/hers) is a Black, Cis-femme, social working story teller. She advocates for mental, physical and spiritual health while existing unapologetically in her identity. Melissa continually works to provoke critical and conscious thought and inspire boldness. She specializes in helping people face life’s challenges through life coaching, food and mood coaching, consultations, and workshops as the proud founder of Inspired Boldness.

Your Nervous System: The Ultimate Resilience Network

Februrary 7th, 2022
10:00–11:30 AM
Tuesday, February 7 10:00–11:30 am

Even the most resilient person can flip their lid. Learn how to adapt and get your network back on line. Gain insight on practical tools to manage challenging situations. Your nervous system guides all you do so come explore your Vagus Nerve and your "Second Brain". Discover ways to support both your thinking and feeling selves.
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